In case you've not gathered this.... Aaron likes to eat! There's not much that he can't eat anymore and he really enjoys mealtime and snack time. He's been feeling very independently the past couple of weeks and no longer wants to be fed by anyone but himself! So meal times are getting a little messy at our house. Here he is attacking his spaghetti rings with meatballs last night!
I'm sad to report that Aaron currently has his first black eye! He was playing with a toy near the fireplace and fell down and hit his eye on the corner. He cried pretty hard for about 30 seconds and then he just wanted to get down and play with the toy that Connor had! He hasn't acted like it's bothered him since. I was thinking that maybe I should wrap his head with our left over bubble wrap from the move!!
I caught Connor and Aaron actually playing together and sharing a toy a few days ago and felt the need to take photos to remember! They are very much into the same toys and both want them at the same time. Sharing is something that usually requires assistance.... but this time they did it all by themselves!
Aaron ate his first lollipop with his cousins, Brett and Claire, this past weekend. He LOVED it! We had a great visit with my mom, dad, Amy, Brett, and Claire! Thanks for coming to visit us, guys!
Sharing a few pictures of Aaron and Connor playing in our new play area. Thanks to Papa for putting together these new shelves for us! The boys like to take almost all of the toys out at once, so cleaning up can take awhile! I think that they have enough toys, what do you think? Check out Connor's way of using the boxes that go in the holes- he almost got all the way in it once, but I didn't have the camera out! The two keep me laughing most of the time!
Sharing some pictures of Aaron in the cute little outfit that Amy gave to him for Valentine's day. Love the little wings on the back! He and Connor are checking out the back door that leads on the deck. Also a couple of Aaron headed up the stairs- his favorite thing about the new house! He can go up very quickly, but getting down safely is not something that we've mastered yet! Happy Valentine's day to everyone!
It's been awhile since I uploaded my photos, so these are a little old, but I still wanted to share them. Here are some pics of Aaron and Connor getting into the cupboards in the condo. They loved it when they were empty - I left the baby locks off and they could climb in! There are also some shots of how we tried to keep Aaron away from his favorite part of the condo- the corner of the dining space where he liked to turn off and on the lamp, unplug it, and chew on the cord! Sounds like a really safe hobby, doesn't it?! Man, we have to watch him every minute!