Friday, November 7, 2008

6 months old!

We don't know where the time has gone, but our baby boy is 6 months old today! We are having so much fun watching him grow into an adorable little boy. He will go to the pediatrician next week, so I'll update his stats, but we're pretty sure that he's at least 20 pounds! Aaron continues to be happy 99% of the time, which we feel SO thankful for. He loves to roll around on the floor, pull/push/try to crawl (especially on the hard wood floor), take baths, be naked and have his clothes taken off, chew on his toys and activate the ones that have music, listen to music and us singing songs, be tickled, jump in his excersaucer, "talk", laugh, play peek-a-boo, and be tossed up in the air! He loves his cereal and now his sweet potatoes too! He's moved on to the fastest nipple, for 6+ months, but his interest in bottles varies depending on where his is and what's going on. He is pretty easily distracted from his bottle and at times he really like to "sip" on his bottle, rather than really get down to business and chow the whole thing down. He eats the best at his last feeing of the day, where he usually pounds at least 7 ounces and often all 8 ounces! Things that Aaron does not like- the initial going to sleep (he usually cries for a few minutes, but sometimes up to 15 minutes before going to sleep), having his face washed, staying still enough to get his clothes and diaper changed (sometimes I'm sweating by the time we finish this- it's a real workout), 5:30-6 (this is when he's getting tired and often gets a little cranky- our solution is to remove some clothes and he gets happy pretty fast), and when Connor screams (he will often look at him and start to cry). Other than that, he starts whining when he's getting tired or hungry and is happy the rest of the time. He's becoming much more steady when he's sitting, but I wouldn't quite call him an independent sitter yet. He's so close to crawling, as you'll see in these pictures- he gets himself up on his arms and legs and pushes himself forward, he just hasn't gotten the part where you have to coordinate your arms and legs yet! Thanks for checking in on us- hope that you're doing well!

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