Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Halloween!

As usual, I'm a little behind on most things in my life right now! I still wanted to share all of our Halloween fun, so I am going to start with actual Halloween and share them backwards!

We went out to Downers Grove to celebrate Halloween with some of our friends, Karrie, Dave, Lucas, and Andie. They used to live a few blocks from us and moved out to the suburbs about a year ago, so we enjoyed getting to spend some time with them.

Aaron dressed up as a Northwestern football player and Maggie a Northwestern cheerleader! Tim really wanted to stuff Aaron's jersey to make it look like he had shoulder pads on, but Aaron was having none of that. He did actually let me put some eye black on though, which I was surprised about!

Aaron had a great time trick or treating with Lucas and the other neighborhood kids. He would run from door to door, coming back to me after wards and telling me "Look Mommy- I'm getting a ton of candy!" Maggie stayed back at Karrie's house with Daddy, which was really nice because it was pretty cold outside.

After trick or treating, we went back to Karrie and Dave's house for pizza and some play time. We had a great time!

Daddy and his little Northwestern kids!

Maggie is standing on her own a lot now! She's never worn this shoes before, so she was trying to get the hang of standing up in them!

Trick or treat!

Can you tell that Aaron was enjoying this?

Nobody was home at this house, but Aaron and one of the neighbor girls, Natalie, kept trying to knock and yell "Trick or Treat" just in case!

Aaron says, "Just one more try- TRICK OR TREAT!!"

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