Monday, June 16, 2008

5 weeks old!

Hello everyone!  Just wanted to send the update from our latest doctors appointment last week on Wednesday.  At 5 weeks old, Aaron weighed in at 10 pounds, 8 1/2 ounces (50-75th percentile) and was 22 1/4 inches long (75th percentile).  He's getting bigger and stronger by the day.  

He started rolling from his tummy to his back at 3 1/2 weeks old.  I couldn't believe it the first time that he did it, so I kept putting him back on his tummy to see if he would do it again- he did it four times in a row for me that day and many times since!  His head control is getting better and better, especially since he wants to be sitting up ALL the time now.  He's definitely made that transition from being an infant to being a baby, who has lots of likes and dislikes.  He likes: sitting up on your leg, sleeping in your arms, being talked to, drooling, and being outside.  He doesn't like: being held on his back,  burping in the middle of a bottle, hiccups, and when we tighten the straps on his car seat!!  Aaron is starting to smile and "talk" more every day , which is SO fun!  

We are so proud that we have such an amazing little boy!  Thanks for checking in on us- we'll continue to keep you updated.

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