Monday, December 8, 2008

7 months old!

Just thought I would put on a quick update to let you all know that Aaron turned 7 months yesterday! He's becoming more active and interacts more with us every day. We feel so fortunate to have such a sweet and happy little boy! That being said, the past month has brought out more opinions, a little more whining and fussing, and ofcourse, the two teeth! It's hard to know when those darn teeth are bothering him and when he is just being a little on the fussy side! He's still happy most of the time, so we feel very lucky.

Aaron is becoming a better crawler everyday and is now mobile enough to get into LOTS of things! His favorites at the moment are to crawl under the Christmas tree to get to the stuffed animals(wonder if he'll start opening the gifts when we put those under?) and pulling all of the dvd's and xbox games off the shelf! Sounds fun, right?! Yesterday he discovered the fireplace and was having a great time grabbing the mesh screen!

Aaron loves to stand up and has so much fun when Tim takes him for 'walks'. He's starting to try to pull himself up on things and things and can get himself to standing with just a little bit of help. It won't be long before he'll be doing that on his own and then we'll really be in trouble! He is sitting up on his own and can almost pull himself up to a seated position, but is not quite there yet. The round middle is still a little difficult to pull up to mid-line!

Aaron's eating seems to have slowed down a bit in the past week or two. I've been joking that he's on a 'hunger strike' and some days he's only had about half as much formula as usual! He's still eating his fruits and veggies really well though. The past week he's been waking up at 5:30 in the morning just starving and will suck down an 8 ounce bottle in about 5 minutes! It seems like he's trying to work himself into a slightly more mature eating schedule where he doesn't have to eat every 3 hours, so we'll see if that continues!

Aaron still loves to take baths, sing songs, and play with his toys. He really enjoys playing with real things around the house and loves nothing more than to chew on one of his spoons, bat around some tupperware lids, and chew on his medicine dropper! Sometimes I wonder why we ever buy toys?!

Aaron weighed in at 21 1/2 pounds last week when we were at the doctor! We bought new car seats this weekend, because he's almost too big for the infant one already. His least favorite thing right now is to be strapped into his car seat. Once he gets in there he's usually fine, but getting in is pretty traumatic. Hopefully he won't dislike it as much when he's in a bigger carseat. We'll see!

Thanks for checking in on us. I'm going to try to take a little video of Aaron crawling someday soon, so you can see him in action! Hope you're enjoying the holiday season and staying warm!

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