Saturday, April 10, 2010

Miss Maggie's new toy & Handy Aaron!

Sharing some pictures of Maggie's new toy- a beautiful and fancy new swing! We had a little travel swing that we used with Aaron that must have died because we have no idea where it went! We decided that Maggie needed as many "safe" places to hang out as possible! Turns out that Aaron has a real interest in the swing also, so we've had to make a 'no touching' rule! Here are some shots of Maggie enjoying her new space!

Tim has taken on a landscaping project at our house this spring and he has a little helper who is right by his side..... Aaron! Aaron loves to be a 'worker' and is having a great time working alongside his Daddy! He's pretty serious about his work at times and loves to work with the tools. You can see the big smile on his face when he's holding a hammer or a rake! Here are some photos of some of the work that they are doing.

1 comment:

susie said...

His facial expressions are totally yours! I see him in you each time i see him!

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