Sunday, November 7, 2010

Two and a half!

Aaron is celebrating his half birthday today! It's hard to believe that in 6 short months he will be 3 years old already! This seemed like a good occasion for an Aaron update.....

Aaron continues to be VERY active. He loves to run, jump, and climb and excels at these things. He has taken an early interest in sports and can't wait until he can try out some organized sports!

Aaron is getting so big. He weighs around 37 pounds and is wearing 2T/3T pants, 3T/4T shirts, and size 8 1/2 wide shoes. He only wants to wear "nice and comfy" pants and tries to get out of wearing jeans or dress pants. He likes to pick out his own clothes, but we compromise by letting him choose from 2 pairs of pants and then choose from 2 shirts that match.

Aaron still eats his fruits and veggies really well, but has become a bit of a toddler eater with other things. One day he will eat a ton of something and two days later you could feed him the same thing and he might only eat one bite! If allowed (which he is not), he would drink chocolate milk and juice and eat only fruit and veggies. His favorite foods are any kind of fruit, cucumbers, yogurt, chocolate milk, any kind of juice, Jimmy John's sandwiches, chicken nuggets, PB & J sandwiches, and any kind of muffin or donut.

Aaron took an early interest in potty training (about 6 months ago), which totally fizzled out after about a month and the only person potty training was me! He is wearing diapers at this point and we'll probably be thinking about tackling that project fairly soon.

Aaron has really incredible speech and language skills, much to the delight of his mother! He speaks in long sentences (6+ words) and loves to try out new words that he hears from us. I'm always amazed by his vocabulary and don't know where he learns half of it?! He can't say his L sounds or his R sounds yet, but he has recently perfected most of his S blends!

Aaron knows all of his basic colors, can count to 12 (with one to one correspondence up to about 5), can recite his alphabet and knows all of the sounds that the letters say. (He learned this from a LeapFrog dvd at Kate's house called Letter Factory! I didn't even know that he knew all of them until one day he recited all of them to me!) He knows most of his basic shapes and can't wait to get the chance to go to school!

Aaron loves to read books and play outside. His favorite books right now are the Froggy books (Froggy Gets Dressed, Froggy Rides a Bike, etc), Mr. Putter and Tabby, Dr. Seuss (Green Eggs and Ham, The Sneetches, etc.) and song books (Ants Go Marching, Wheels on the Bus, This Little Light, etc.) He does a lot of imaginative play right now and enjoys playing with his tools and play food. Aaron likes to play with 'real' things rather than toys and often putters around with things he finds around the house. He likes to play with play dough and paint with watercolors. He loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and some of his favorite movies are the Toy Story movies, Bugs Life, and Cars. Aaron loves to help in the kitchen and is starting to have some of his own 'jobs' around the house. (Putting recycling in the bins, helping to set the table, helping pick up his toys.)

Aaron is a good listener and helper when he wants to be, but has to spend his fare share of time sitting in time out! He uses his good manners (please, thank you, excuse me, etc.) most of the time without being reminded and is generally very good to his sister! He loves to make her laugh and wants her to be around, even though he already doesn't like it when she tries to get into his toys!

We are very proud of our newly 2 and half year old, Aaron! We love you, Peanut!

1 comment:

susie said...

What a big boy! I loved reading your update. The boys learned all their letter sounds from the Letter Factory too! I was amazed they knew them. Now they walk around the house pointing at letters they see and saying the sounds. We should suggest this to our clients! Also so cool about all the phonemes he can say-good job on the /s/ blends. We have a HUGE front lisp on those-oh well.