Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Happy 1/2 birthday to Aaron!

Aaron has a lot of friends who have turned 4 in the past several months. Because of this, he was been really into birthdays. In a recent conversation between Aaron and I, I mentioned that Aaron would be having a half birthday in November and that maybe we could celebrate with half of a birthday cake.

Yesterday was the big half birthday and we celebrated with half of a red velvet cake, prepared by the Mama. Tanya even came over to help us celebrate and brought Aaron half of a birthday card with half stickers!

Aaron is now even MORE excited to celebrate his whole birthday in May!

We forgot to take a picture before we cut the cake, but here is Aaron with what was left of his half birthday cake!

Maggie enjoyed it too! (And doesn't seem to keep her eyes open for any pictures lately!)

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