Monday, September 26, 2011

Maggie is 18 months old!

Maggie turned 18 months old on September 17th! She is one hilarious and amazing little lady. Here's what she's up to....

Maggie is getting taller and slimmer, and is wearing 18-24 month pants, 24 month - 2T shirts, and size 6 1/2 - 7 shoes. She weighs 27 lbs and 1.5 ounces (50-75th percentile) and is 32 1/2 inches tall (50-75th percentile). She still eats really well. Her note from school always lists the food that they serve at lunch and how much they ate (none, some, all). Maggie's always says all x 2! She likes pretty much all foods and rarely turns her nose up at anything. (I made calico beans last week and she tried them and very adamantly said no!) She loves all fruits and is definitely a sweet tooth!

Maggie has been sleeping in a toddler bed since she was 16 months old and goes to bed really well most nights. She generally sleeps from about 7:15 pm - 6 or 6:15 am. She is an early morning riser and often wakes up really ornery, asking for food or trying to go wake her brother up! When she's not feeling ornery, she will come into bed with Mommy & Daddy, lay there and point to our eyes, nose, mouth, etc and sing! Maggie naps from 1-2 hours during the day.

Maggie is running and climbing and has really great gross motor skills! She has been at this moving thing for so long, that it seems like there isn't anything that she can't do! She can climb all over the playground at the park, hang from the monkey bars and almost pull her legs up to the bar, and loves to try keeping up with her big brother!

Maggie understands everything and is starting to talk a ton! She has been imitating us for a lot for quite awhile but is now talking a lot spontaneously. I tried to count her words and know that she has over 100 words by now. She is starting to imitate some 2 word phrases. Maggie LOVES to sing and can sing a ton of songs- Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, ABC's, Row, Row, Row Your Boat, and Bah, Bah, Black Sheep.

Maggie is a spunky little thing and does not let anyone push her around. She's got a voice (and a scream) and she's not afraid to use it! She is starting to throw some fits and is getting pretty good at throwing herself on the floor and crying when she doesn't get what she wants!

Maggie is a cuddler (when she slows down) and is very generous with her affection. Even though she is fiercely independent at times, she loves to be held and cuddled!

God blessed us the day he added Maggie to our family! :)

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