Wednesday, February 1, 2012


We love having the kids at the Goddard School! Every day we get activity reports of what the kids worked on that day (broken into the target areas of Language Arts, Cognitive Skills/Math, Creative Arts, Music/Movement, Motor Skills, Science/Nature Study, Social Science, and Computer Lab for Aaron and Self-Help/Life Skills for Maggie) which also includes information on what they had for lunch, time that they napped (or didn't nap), diapering/toileting information for Maggie, and a memorable moment from the day. The memorable moment can something creative or funny that they said or did or explanation of an activity that they enjoyed or excelled at. It's so great to be able to go through the sheets at the end of their school day (usually in the car on our way home) and talk about all of the things that they did. They take pictures a lot in the classrooms to use for bulletin boards and to display their activities on the wall, so often the teachers will e-mail or print the pictures out for us. Sharing some of the recent ones that Maggie's teacher, Miss Amanda, e-mailed to me.
Maggie playing in the gym at school
Maggie was counting chocolate chips during "Favorite foods" week at school
Maggie & Aaron hugging through the fence at school
The teachers will often tell us how cute and sweet Aaron & Maggie are to each other. They have a big playground that has a fence separating it into 2 areas, one for the bigger kids (with bigger equipment/slides to play on) and a side for the smaller kids with things to climb through and little house kind of things to play in. (Maggie LOVES to go on the big kid side and Aaron loves to go over to the little kid side, since they are generally on the other side!) When they see each other on the playground, the teachers say that they will meet at the fence and hold hands and give each other a hug! We definitely feel like they are enjoying each other even more now that Maggie is getting bigger. We hope that they always can be good friends!!

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