Thursday, February 9, 2012

Maggie stuff

Maggie is something else right now.  At times she is so sweet, gentle, and loving and at other times she is wild, rough, and bull-headed!  She is a Mama's girl and can be heard saying my name over and over when I'm around.  (She also whines more when I'm around, which is not cool.)  A few things to remember about our 22 month old Maggie:
  • She loves to go pee and poop on the potty!  When she's at school and she goes on the potty, she will tell her teachers, "Mommy happy!" 
  • Maggie always "cheers us on" during and after we use the toilet as well, which is hilarious!  She will stand beside us and say, "Yay Mommy/Daddy/Aaron.  Pee/Poop on the potty!  Yay!"
  • She loves to play hide and seek.  Last night I was in the bathroom and Maggie came in and told me "hide and seek Aaron".  She didn't tell him that they were playing hide and seek, but when he showed up at the bathroom door, she squealed with laughter- "Aaron find me!" (Why can't we ever use the bathroom in peace?!)
  • Last night when we played hide and seek, she had me hide first and then when it was her turn to hide, she would hide in exactly the same place that I hid!  I was hiding behind the curtain in our bedroom and she walked past me probably 5 times before going to get Aaron to help her find me.  I finally had to laugh so they could discover where I was hiding! 
  • Maggie loves music and is kind of obsessed with Rio.  When we get into the car, she immediately asks for Rio and when the each song is over, she will immediately say "more", even though she knows the next song is coming!
  • Friday night is movie night at our house and Maggie loves to watch movies.  She will often ask on regular week nights if we can have movie night!
  • She loves the show Little Einsteins, which she says "little heinsteins" and has started asking for it at night before bed by saying "downstairs Maggie little heinsteins".  Her speech is really telegraphic right now and it's hilarious!  She doesn't get to watch tv shows very often, but we think that she is starting to realize that Aaron gets to watch one after she goes to bed.  (He gets to stay up about 45 minutes later than Maggie, if he takes a nap at school.  If he doesn't, then he doesn't get to stay up later and he doesn't get to watch a tv show before bed.)
  • Maggie can be heard saying "I love you too, ____" all the time right now.  She is very loving and doesn't hesitate to tell us, her teachers, her friends, her stuffed animals- anyone who will listen really!  Even if she says it first, it's always "I love you too!"
  • When I tuck Maggie into bed at night, sometimes I ask her what she will dream about (something that Tim always asks Aaron).  One night she said "Sarah (one of her teachers at school) and apple pie".  I laughed so hard that now she tells me almost every night that she will dream about apple pie!
  • Last night when I tucked Maggie in, she pulled me close and was giving me a hug and a kiss.  She put her hand up to my cheek and did the sign for apple and giggled saying "apple".  I told her yes, that was the sign for apple, and then she proceeded to show me the sign for food, cookie, and drink.  It was so cute!  They learn a lot of signs at school, but because Maggie was so verbal early on, we didn't do a whole lot of signs with her at home, aside from more.  I think she didn't really realize that I knew these signs too!
Wow, did we ever get lucky with these kids!!  They bring so much excitement and joy to our lives!
Maggie and Daddy relaxing on the couch after work/school with their computers!

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